Find your Answer

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Find your answer

Below are some answers that Damian gave about the programme. If you have a question that is not answered below ask your question here.

Have a look on the comments you will get very interesting advices: Comment and More Comments!

Product Questions:

(Q) Where do I get Ketostix from?

(A) These are available from chemists/pharmacies BUT you can also buy them online from our “Challenge Products” page – there are other super boosters that you can access there to help you lose more weight if you like.

(Q) I am having trouble getting Uroplex, fish oil and Colon Clear. Where can I get these products from?

(A) We have put up a link for both of these on the Challenge Product page.

(Q) I have found a different product similar to Colon Clear, would you recommend it?

(A) I am none sure about the products that you have found, I always like to try things on myself before I recommend them. What I do know though is that Uroplex and Colon Clear do the job. The benefit of using a powder (Colon Clear) over a capsule/tablet (Magnesium Complete) is significant. Tablets need to be broken down and often as is the case with this particular supplement – the magnesium it contains will be largely absorbed, not expelled like with the Colon Clear. We want it out of the body with water to hydrate your bowels. The Mg Complete is not likely to do this as each tsp of colon clear supplies 3-4grams of Magnesium Oxide – nearly 25 times greater supply of the magnesium that we need.

I recommend that you order online here. These will be sure to work.

Food Questions:

(Q) Is there a specific eating plan that I can download and follow?

(A) Use your food list and put the food together so it best suits you OR you can go to our “Members Downloads” page and download an eating plan that I have already designed for you! πŸ™‚

(Q) What can I have instead of strawberries?

(A) You could use 1/2 pear or apple – kiwi fruit.

(Q) I’ve been to a few health stores and they haven’t heard of macadamia oil, where can I get it?

(A) Macadamia oil is in the supermarkets – Cathedral Cove or Olivado are the brands in NZ (find it here) and SunCoast Gold Vitality in Australia.

(Q) Is poaching fish just in a fan with water, or wrapped in tinfoil in oven?

(A) Poaching fish is done either way foil or in a pan with herbs and flavors.

(Q) Does garlic have to be fresh?

(A) Garlic is best fresh but you can use the paste if you like.

(Q) Is it ground chilli or Chilli sauce?

(A) Ground chilli – you can make your own chilli sauce i will put up the recipe.

(Q) I can’t find fresh organic, just organic peanut butter is that the same?

(A) that’s fine re the peanut butter – health food stores will make it fresh for you.

(Q) Can I have food that is not listed on my food list?

(A) Only if you don’t want to lose weight. We will advise you of anything that can be added.

(Q) Can I use more herbs than noted on the food list?

(A) Yes!! Add as many fresh herbs as you like.

(Q) I don’t eat or enjoy meat -can I use legumes for my protein?

(A) Yes you can. Just add quinoa or brown rice to your meals too. The total portion of quinoa and lentils mixed should be about a palm full (cooked).

Health Questions:

(Q) I have started a course of antibiotics. Is it still OK to take the supplements while doing this?

(A) We cannot give you medical advice so you must always check with your medical support people.

124 thoughts on “Find your Answer

  1. Liz Donnelly

    Just wondering if it is essential to use the colon clear. I did a diet earlier in the year which use things to help expel the bowels and 2 weeks after that I had severe bowel troubles, that seem to reoccur so I am very hesitant in taking them. I am happy to use the uroplex if that assists the kidneys but am after some advice about the colon clear.

    1. damian

      Hi there LIz – if you have had problems in the past – i would use caution too. however this is not a laxative, more a bowel hydrator. if you take a smaller amount it will aid in maintaining hydration to the bowel. this may assist you with regular bowel movements.

  2. Jeannette

    Hi Damian, I have just downloaded all info for 21 day challenge… just wondered if there is a vegetarian list option for protein…


  3. sallys

    I am having trouble having time to cook breakfast every morning. I have four young children and need to do school lunches and get everything else organised for the day. Is there anything that I can have for breakfast ‘on the go?’ Such as low sugar/fat vanilla yoghurt and strawberries. Thanks

    1. damian

      HI there Sally,

      do a fruit salad with berries and melon with some FULL fat yoghurt like Gippsland Organic (you get it from Coles or Woolworths) or Cyclops natural Yoghurt from NZ (countdown and New World)


  4. denisej

    Where do I buy boccini. I googled it and got a reference to mozarella cheese balls which i have seen in the supermarkets. Are these one and the same thing?
    I am not always able to get out for a walk so will doing the same time on a spin bike be okay?

  5. jillh

    I’m on my seventh day of the 21 body blitz challenge. Have lost a huge 3kg and 4cm round my waist. Great motivation. Have followed the menu and exercise 100% but have problems with the eggs in the morning. Loved the fruit and yoghurt in the morning. Can this by my breakfast every morning?

    1. damian

      HI there Jill πŸ™‚ you can do the fruit and yoghurt for sure! you must have A type blood πŸ™‚ congrats on your results!

  6. ange.johnson

    I am also having trouble finding boccicini balls (I live in Christchurch), is there an alternative one could use please?


  7. Destiny

    Hi Damian,
    Are there any other protein options for vegetarians? I am not vegan, so I can eat eggs and cheese but I think I will get bored with those 2 proteins! Is there a reason that tofu is not on the protein list?
    Thanks πŸ™‚

    1. damian

      Hi there Nicole – that limits you significantly doing this program – you could do eggs, cheese, tofu and bean and quinoa combinations to get your protein. Nuts are also a good (not great) source of protein.

  8. manisharj


    Its been 5 days on the programme, and I have started getting cramps a lot. Mainly in my second toe and sides when I turn suddenly. Im worried I might get one while driving so please let me know how I can fix this. Is it due to not having salt?

    Thank you

    1. damian

      Hi there Manisharj – this is a magnesium deficiency – its important to get this sorted. contact to arrange to get some Fibroplex Plus – take a tsp per day. it will help you.

      1. manisharj

        Thank you Damian. Will this impact my weightloss at all? I have been on the 21 days programme for 7 days now and lost 2kgs already πŸ™‚ if I take fibreplex will it slow my weightloss?

        Also I am craving choclates alot, is that normal? how can I can I stop this cravings?

        Thank you

        1. damian

          So sorry for the delay, fibroplex will help you from a magnesium deficiency view point. This may assist you with your cravings and you will find that you manage your blood sugar better if you have adequate magnesium. This should help you burn more fat.

          Happy new year. I hope you have a great one.


  9. Vickie Clough

    Just wondered where the recipes are – I’m on day 15 and need a bit of a change – not very creative myself. I want to continue with this after christmas and wondered how long I should leave in between to repeat the programme for good healthy results. I have two months during the year to do this before I go back to eating whats served up. Great results so far. Thanks Vickie

    1. damian

      Hey Vicki, have you been receiving the emails? The recipes are in the emails… Check your junk in box and see if they are there. You can do this program perpetually if you like… Perhaps if you like if you need to lose a fair amount of weight we cold contact you about doing the 112 day challenge.


  10. Chelsea Kingsford

    Hi Damien, I am wanting to do exercise twice a day as I want to incorporate resistance training as well as my walking daily – is this going to be ok is there such thing as doing too much exercise?
    Also, is it safe to undergo colon hydrotherapy after the 3 weeks ? Thanks

    1. damian

      Hi there Chelsea, a you can certainly do loads of exercise if you like, perhaps if you need to, eat some more fat and protein…. This will allow you to train hard and lose fat fast!


        1. damian

          H there Chelsea,I am not keen on colonic hydrotherapy. I discuss the benefits of magnesium oxide in the colon clear video, this is a far better approach to colon purge and cleaning out, than hydro therapy.


          1. damian

            Hi there Chelsea- i wouldn’t recommend it before you have tried irrigating orally firstly. – thats my opinion.

  11. ErinA

    Hi there.

    Im just having some issues finding a couple of items. Could you please point me in the right direction to find the below within Christchurch, NZ. Boccini Cheese Balls & Snapper.


    1. damian

      Hi there Erin – Snapper is a fish – you can get that at any supermarket. Boccincini balls are found in the cheese section of all New World super markets.

  12. Karin Samson

    Hi Damian – Happy New Year
    I am just gearing up to start the 21 day challenge and putting my food list etc together. Just wondering if I can make my own yoghurt? Currently make with the Easiyo packets.

    1. damian

      Hi there Karin! yeah go for it! great idea… can you make sure you empty a capsule of ‘inner health plus’ into your mix to ensure the sugar is digested and you get a great probiotic culture in your food.

  13. Hylton Southon

    Hi there,

    Is it safe to assume that I can have any type of Fish other than Salmon if I do not wish to eat Salmon as it has been listed on the meal planner?


  14. colleenb

    Morning. My BMI is currently 32.3 and I have just found out I am 6 weeks pregnant. I am on day 5 of the program, so am I able to continue or can you recommend an alternative eating plan for me suitable for during my pregnancy. Many thanks

    1. damian

      Hi there Colleen, just eat about 20% more food and you will be totally fine eating this way through your whole pregnancy πŸ™‚ its good for you. Congratulations

  15. unedited

    Hi Damian,
    I will be finishing my 21 days at the end of the week.
    Luckily for me I love Quinoa, have always eaten with with a recipe with sundried tomatoes, mushrooms, broccoli, feta YUM
    But, as far as it goes with bread – can i start making my own homemade wholemeal bread with seeds and having it with olive oil.?

    1. damian

      HI there Chelsea, yeah you can – but don’t eat heaps of it. most people who respond to a reduced carb eating program like this befit long term from exclusion of high carb foods like bread. have a slice from time to time… not a loaf πŸ™‚ WELL DONE!

  16. unedited

    Hi Damian, Can you please tell me what is the least fattening / healthies way to drink coffee ie. trim flat white, soy flat white? Decaf, etc?

  17. Emma Dinsdale

    Hi, just wondering if there is anything I can substitute for poached eggs for breakfasts as I am allergic to them, mushrooms or tomatoes perhaps?

  18. Melissa Duffy

    Hi There

    On the summer & winter meal planner there is kumera. Although that is not one of the foods listed. Is it ok to eat Kumera while on the 21day challenge? Also I read above about eating quinoa and some other foods not on the list. Is this ok or should I stick to the list?

    1. damian

      HI there Melissa – by now i reckon you have an idea of how the program works. Any of the foods that you list in your question are super health, so yeah you can have them – but try to stick to the program and the list for your best results.

  19. crystalgiles

    Hi There

    I cannot eat diary or Avocado’s can you tell me how i can replace these with other foods on the list, ie what’s the equivilant to 50 gms of cottages cheese and 1/2 of an avocado

    1. damian

      HI there Crystal. cutting out Avocados is fine – you can use raw oil on your food. this is good to do. In terms of the dairy. You don’t need to have any dairy really through out the whole 21 Days program. You can mix and match all of the meals in the program and there are heaps of recipes coming your way.

  20. Natalie Smith

    Hi Damian

    I’m just about to start on the Blitz challenge. Just a couple of questions:

    Can I use Jalapenos in my salads?

    Is there any other cheese I can use instead of cottage cheese in the lunches, but still get the same results?

    Many thanks

    1. damian

      Dear Natalie – JalapeΓ±os are totally fine. NICE! the boccincini cheese or buffalo mozzarella or feta cheese is great πŸ™‚

      1. Natalie Smith

        Thanks Damian

        I too am having trouble eating the spinach [cooked and raw] with the bean mixture in the morning. I actually can’t stand the crunchy bean combo. Could I have a bit of tomato and mushroom with the avacado instead, without it affecting the results? Or something else?


  21. Rosie Hatton

    Hi Damian,

    I am planning to start the 21 day bodyblitz once I have received the things that I have ordered on line but am unsure about how I get the recipes. I saw that someone else asked a question about the recipes and you said check your junk box but I haven’t received anything as yet.

      1. Natasha McKay

        Many people have mentioned emails and more recipes in their posts…. I haven’t received any of these yet, and I have checked my junk mail…..

  22. Mandi Ruri

    Hi i am just getting organised to start my 21 days I am going thru the food list I dont eat tuna but i like fresh fish is this ok?

    1. damian

      Hi there Mandi πŸ™‚ YES PLEASE πŸ™‚ fresh fish is perfect. the tinned stuff have been dead for a LONG time. πŸ™‚

  23. Deryn Hogan

    Hi Damian

    I am just looking at the menus to get the “blitz”started on friday. As i don’t cheese other than edam, would I add extra chicken or some other protein to the lunches? I am happy to eat fruit & yoghurt for breakfast each day as I also do not eat eggs.

    1. damian

      Hey Deryn,

      Great question. You could have a bit of Edam if you like… i don’t know how it would go though… Boccincini is such a beautiful cheese though… its worth trying. You could add a bit of extra chicken if you like.

      Fruit and Yoghurt with LSA daily is good with me πŸ™‚

  24. Natasha McKay

    Hi there,
    Enjoying the programme so far – thanks!
    The only thing I am having trouble with is breakfast….happily having eggs, but stuggling with the spinach/avocado/bean combo part of it (just seems a bit early to be eating a salad!) – is there anything I can substitute for this?
    Many thanks,

    1. damian

      G’day Natasha – have you tried cooking the spinach? this can sometimes make it loads easier for you πŸ™‚

  25. Ali Goodman

    Hi again,

    I just asked you a load of questions. After rereading with my eyes open instead of half shut I have most of my answers. Please ignore the last lot of questions. I will have another good read and only then will ask a question… hopefully a little more intelligent than the last lot:-)

    Sorry for the hassle.

  26. Carol Bradley

    2nd day into programme.
    Q. 1 Is there anything one can substitute for boconccini (which is quite expensive)? i.e. low fat Edam or similar.
    And if not, can you let us know how is boconccini different to other cheeses.

    Q. 2 – Are you meant to eat eggs more days than not? The summer menu planner has them being served 6 out of 7 days.

    1. damian

      eggs are all good Carol – the program is healthy and good πŸ™‚ Mozzarella is the alternative to boccincini – its good to spend good money on great food. and boccincini tastes great and is good for you!

  27. Eileen Oliver-Free

    Hi Damian,
    Firstly, well done in responding to everyone so positively. This may be a repetitive question but I am a little confused about the food list/challenge – am I correct in thinking that nothing other than what is on the list is to be consumed?

    Although I have half started the programme this week and am really enjoying eating more fruit and veg, I am struggling with the idea of no potatoes (especially being Irish ;0), rice, pasta, etc. I have no issue cutting them out but I was just confused when it said “carbohydrates will be introduced …” – is that when you finish the 21 day challenge?

    Also, due to allergies, I cannot have the LSA or any form of nuts around . I know I can have seeds instead but- will that affect the weightloss?
    Thank you for you patience nad support Damian.
    P.S.: well done on your TV programme – thought is was great.

    1. damian

      hi there Eileen! thank you for your email. πŸ™‚ did you get through your potato famine? i am sure you would have been great with out them in fact i am sure you would be doing great by now. the carbs are the trap… you can bring them in at the end of your 21 days… but in small amounts πŸ™‚ its important to be aware of how they make you feel. thank you for your feedback πŸ™‚

  28. Areege Hussein

    Hi Damian. I was just wondering what your thoughts were on sugar substitutes like Splenda or Equal. If they are a no-go for the BodyBlitz Challenge, could I perhaps use stevia to sweeten my coffee or yoghurt? Also, should diet drinks be avoided too?

    Kind regards,

    1. damian

      hi there Areege – i wouldn’t touch Natvia, Equal or splenda. you could certainly use Purevia a stevia product made by Pepsi or there is another one in NZ called Sweetie i think. it looks good.

  29. Heather Harris

    I understood I would receive regular emails from you. So far I haven’t received any?? Cheers Heather

  30. kirsty tait

    Hi Damian,
    i am now 2 weeks into the programme and have lost 3kgs so its very exiting!
    I feel better already,there are waves of tiredness from time to time but i can think clearer and my skin has its a good start.
    I emailed you already but not sure you got my questions so ill ask again.
    i am breastfeeding at the moment so is it ok to do the programme?
    should i modify or add anything?
    is it ok to take the products recommended?
    I have IBS and struggle with digesting eggs,is there an alternative i could have from time to time?
    Also for the last 2 days i have been getting severe migraines ,back ache and dizzy spells.yesterday i was unable to carry my daughter ,is this normal?
    how long will it last?
    is my body lacking something?
    i have just bought the products ,so far i have only been taking the vitamins,would that have something to do with it?
    thank you for your time,i look forward to the results of next week.

    1. damian

      Hi there Kirsty! well done πŸ™‚ love that you had awesome changes immediately! great stuff… at the time of you writing this, you were 2 weeks in to the program. you may be close to finishing. have you finished or are you still going/ how are you going?

  31. jeanjen

    Hi. I am on Day 18 of the 21 Day Body Blitz Challenge. However, since Day 15, my torso has suddently become very itchy and is driving me crazy, but there are no visible signs of a rash. I went to the local Pharmacy and was prescribed Telfast for Allergies. She also asked if I was detoxing. Can you please advise whether this is a normal occurrence due to the detox process or have I suddently had an alergic reaction to something, either eggs or nuts etc.? I have really enjoyed your programme and have gone from 65.5 kgs down to 62.9kg. Your comments would be appreciated. Thank you. Jean

    1. damian

      hi there Jean,

      this is an unusual response. you would have also finished detoxing by day 18… perhaps it was an allergy. It may be due to many things… eggs perhaps… i’d be surprised if it were nuts unless you have had any vaccinations recently. Damian

  32. Maria Gallen

    Hi Damian

    Thank you for such an easy to follow programme. I’ve lost 2.2kg in my first 7 days and I’m stoked.
    However, I do have 2 questions:
    First, I’m having huge trouble getting to sleep. It’s like my brain’s metabolism has sped up and is still running on fast forward well into the night. Any suggestions?

    Second, what’s the best action to take on a day when “life” gets in the way?
    On Saturday I had my normal breakfast, but circumstances meant I was unable to eat again until nearly 3pm.
    Should I have lunch/should I just have a snack?
    I didn’t want to impact on dinner too much.
    In the end I had a boiled egg and a raw carrot, chased down with water.

    Thanks again


    1. damian

      hey Maria, well done! great results! have a small balanced snack when life gets in the way… in terms of your mind… this is common! you are living healthier! well done!


  33. Fleurdelisle

    Hi. I am just starting my third week of the 21 day challenge and am finding it really easy to stick to the diet. I have lots more energy. I haven’t weighed myself so do not know how much weight I have lost but my clothes are starting to feel looser.

    A couple of queries though – I am drinking the recommended amount of water but still find I am often thirsty. The reading on the Ketostix is typically 4 or 6. Also is green tea ok and if so would that be part of the daily water allowance?

    1. damian

      Hi there Fleurdelisle, Well done. it looks like you may not be eating enough food… try to get your ketones back to .5 or 4 – this is safer if you are in Ketosis. Drink mainly water if you can 25mls per kg of body weight- Green Tea isn’t water – but you can have it.

  34. shannon

    Can I eat paneer (Indian cottage cheese), tofu and beans (chickpeas, kidney beans etc) on this 21 day challenge?

    1. damian

      HI there Shannon – yes you can eat these things on the 21 Days Program… but they aren’t included in the program guide. they may alter your results.

  35. crackle

    Hi Damian

    I have just started the 21 day challenge and was just wondering if I can sub coconut oil for flaxseed oil?


    1. phyllis

      Hi Kaye.

      Coconut oil is great! Make sure it is a good quality Virgin Coconut Oil, that is important.


  36. Crin

    Hi, Can you plese tell me if Jarrah Coffee is ok during the 21 day challenge? Thanks =)

    1. phyllis

      Hi Crin. For optimal results we recommend that you stick with what is listed on the food lists. It is only 21 days. Post the 21 day programme coffee should be kept to a minimum, and if you’re going to drink it make sure it is after a meal and not when you are hungry.


  37. johanna

    Hi there, I am stuggling with eating so many eggs as I really don’t like them much. Is there something i could have instead>
    Thanks Linda

    1. phyllis

      hey linda – and i know for a fact you have those beautiful fresh eggs on your property! I am envious
      yes you can have poached fruit with yogurt an lsa – try that one!

  38. unedited

    Hi There, Can you please tell me when the best time in the programme is to use the Magnesium Oxide, ie 4 days in consecutively for a few nights or what? Is it harmful just to do it randomly? It certainly does clean you out and its great, but the reason I ask is because ine time I did it 3 nights in the row and the 3rd night I was in a lot of pain, my tummy was making a lot of noises and it felt like my stomach was twisting it was very painful and uncomfotable and I just dont want it to happen again Thanks πŸ™‚

    1. Damian

      Hi Chelsea.
      The Magnesium Oxide is best used at the start of the program and then any time that your bowels don’t move. You will hear rumbling and gurgling like a washing machine – this is normal. The pain and discomfort your felt indicates that you have no more stored faeces in your tummy – you could most certainly back it off at this point and then use it only when your bowels haven’t moved.

  39. helenlow

    My sister is doing this with me and she had her gall bladder removed at 17, she is now 25. She has put on 25kgs since then. Are there any changes she needs to make? What things does she need to be aware of that may be differnt for her?

    Also I bought the palm method DVD and I still don’t understand how to portions size my eggs! My palm is approx 10cm by 9cm and approx 2cm thick. I have asked this question and was told to buy the DVD but I don’t find it very helpful as an egg is quite different to other proteins.

    1. Damian

      Hi Helenlow,

      Your sister can do the program as it is. No need to change anything
      1-2 eggs is a typical portion size – you could have 3 and feel safe though.


  40. Esther Dykstra

    Hi Guys, I’m on day 1 of the 21 day blitz & am excited to have started. I have read heaps of the info but just have one question (so far). Can you have fruit & veg in one meal as long as the serving size is correct or do they need to be kept separate? Thanks Esther

  41. Katie Dixon

    Hi,I am a vegetarian and do not eat any seafood. I was wondering what things could replace the meat and fish. I know you have said earlier that cheeses and tofus are good replacements but how much are acceptable quantities to have? Are things like eggplant, protein shakes, vege patties or vege sausages ok?

    1. Damian

      HI Katie, its tough being vegetarian and carrying extra weight as it is primarily protein and fat that you need to eat more of, not less. Cheeses can be good yes, Tofu if required in portions the size of your palm. Eggplant is not a suitable replacement by itself and like mushrooms would be more complete with some cheese on top (e.g. Feta cheese). Protein shakes (sugar free) would be good – 30–40gms of protein per serve. Veggie patties and sausages are not good replacements for health. They are highly processed forms of soy protein and aren’t ideal in this program.

  42. Adrienne Coakley

    Hi, two questions.
    1) can’t hear the audio’s very well is the a computer problem? Very mumbled and can turn it up any louder.

    2)I note that the Fritatta receipe has eight eggs to make 4 servings. Can it be made with 12 (3per serve), then cut into 4 servings to give the daily portion for week planner?
    Thanks, Adrienne

    1. Haylee Post author

      Hi Adrienne,

      I have replied to your email and gave you instruction on how to download the file to Itunes. It sounds like you have a computer problem as we can hear it fine.

      The menu planners are simply a guide, you can mix them up or chose to create your own meals. You should be following the palm method, this will tell you what size servings you should have. Eggs are great, 3 should be fine.

  43. Esther Dykstra

    Hi Guys, I bought the 21 day challange a few weeks ago and with the best intentions started it straight away. A few life drama’s got in the way last week and I have decided to start again ( I have lost 1.5kg even though I didnt stick to it 100%). After my ‘false’ start, I am determined to do it 100% to the letter! My question is related to the colon clear, I didn’t use this a couple of weeks ago but went to the health shop yesterday and am all set to go. After speaking to the lady there, she also suggested I use LSA as I have trouble with constipation (havent been in 7 days and counting, this is not unusual for me). Can I use the LSA if I count that as my nuts? Many thanks, Esther

    1. Support Post author

      Hi Esther.
      Dr Damian recommends that you increase your water intake and use the Magnesium oxide as directed in the program, this will help your bowels hugely.
      LSA is listed in the programme and are nuts and seeds so of course you can πŸ™‚ Goodluck, let us know how you get on.

  44. Sharlene Grover

    Wasn’t sure about what “Crunchy Bean Combo” was so bought a package from the vege aisle called just “Crunchy Combo” which had lentils & bean sprout pea like things. They are definately crunchy. Is this the right product? If not, what doesthe crunch Bean combo contain and where can I get it from?

  45. Jane Kingsbury

    Hi Damian, thanks so umch for your program, it’s made a massive change in my life and I’m loving the wellness guys podcast. I’ve never been to a chiropractor but thought I might try since you recommend it so highly. Was wondering if there was someone in Christchurch, NZ who you’d recommend? Thanks, Jane

  46. sharon crocker

    Sorry to ask another question before you’ve answered my last one, I didn’t do the colon cleanse at the beginning but now I’m on day 9 I’m finding I’m not moving my bowls very often, should I do the cleanse now or is it to late?

    Thanks Sharon

    1. support

      Hi, Sorry for the late reply to your other 2 questions as well. It’s not too late for colon cleanse. You should use it as it clears out your bowels making them better able to absorb the nutrients from the lovely fresh food you are eating.

  47. naomi nelson

    one more question. I don’t eat any meat so I can’t use the fish oil can you suggest a vegetarian alternative

    1. damian

      Hi there Naomi,

      It sounds like you are vegan almost. You’ll need to get some Flaxseed Oil, this will be ok for you.

  48. Donna H

    I am on Day 5 of the 21 Day challenge. I’m enjoying the food on the plan but I am really craving something sweet usually I eat at least 3 pieces of fruit a day. Is adding fruit to the 21 day challenge ok? If yes what would be best?

    1. damian

      Hi there Donna. If you can stick to the food plan you will push through your sweat cravings πŸ™‚ it wont take long.

Comments are closed.