Susan’s Amazing 10kgs Weightloss

A woman emailed me the other day and I gave her a call, her story she shared with me was incredible so Damian gave her a call and asked if he could record the conversation as it was so moving and touching.Β  Susan has completed our 21 Days To Change Programme, Body Blitz Programme and lost 10 Kilos! The beautiful thing is Susan is not unusual in her fantastic results, most people lose between 3 and 7 kilos (6 to 14 pounds) click below to listen.

46 thoughts on “Susan’s Amazing 10kgs Weightloss

  1. Angie

    Hi Damian and Phyllis

    I have just started on the 21 day challenge and have started to lose weight! Great! I had found in the last year my weight was only going up.

    My husband and I are vegetarian so have been having Tofu for dinner with salad or veges. I see this is not on the list. Should we perhaps not have this during this 21 days?

    Also after the 21 days do we need to add carbs like rice back into our diet, as you said not to continue this plan for more than the 21 days? We are finding the plan very easy to stick to as it is not far from our normal diet anyway.

    Would the 112 day challenge give tips for permanent vegetarian food plans.


    1. damian

      Hi there Angie πŸ™‚ please feel free to have Tofu where you may have a suggestion for a meat that you wouldn’t eat. Tofu though for some people may not be the best protein option, but you are used to it, so i am sure your body will do well from it. The 112 Day Challenge definitely gives you more information about the utilisation of grain and starchy carbs – this may be a more appropriate way to go if you have more tan 10kgs to lose. feel free to call Phyllis on 0800 7546968 and she would be wrapped to be able to give you more information. Yours in outstanding health Damian

  2. Jane Baguley

    Hi, on day one πŸ™‚ and several questions:
    1. In the Body Blitz manual it refers to a daily checklist (on page headed Measuring tools), but I couldn’t find one in the manual or in the downloads area. Do we make our own?
    2. Does the 7 day meal plan repeat for 3 weeks?
    3. I’m sustituting crunchy bean combo/mung bean sprouts with snow pea shoots. Is this OK?
    P.S Dog is loving the walks

    1. damian

      Hey Jane! welcome aboard! its great to have you here. Let me check with Phyllis about the measuring tools and what has happened to that. The 7 day meal planner you should repeat – however as you get familiar with the concept and meal design – please feel free to adapt that to your preferences. I LOVE snow pea shoots GREAT IDEA. Yours in outstanding health Damian

      1. Jane Baguley

        Hi Damian,
        day 8 and going well. Have already changed the meal plan up a bit: lightly cooking veges at night as I was beginning to overdose on salad. Question: I make a yummy cucumber salad – cucumber, in a marinade of lemon juice, wheat (and everything)free soy sauce, chilli and garlic. Is this an OK substitute for lunch salad? (Would still eat the protein on top). Thanks Jane

  3. Trish

    I’ve done my 3 weeks and I lost around 4kgs which is great. They were the last 4kgs that had decided to hang on in there through thick and thin so I’m very happy to see them gone. I am very active, I do full body workouts every 2 days and cardio every other day plus yoga/bodybalance 2 times a week – I found that I was absolutely starving at around the 2 and a half week mark and felt tired, headachy, moody, lacking concentration and basically hollow so I added some wholemeal bread to a lunch and felt better in about 20 mins – no more headache and more energy. This was well after the normal withdrawal period so I wonder if it’s too risky for me to do the 3 weeks? Now that they’re over and I’ve dropped down in weight and feel exactly the way I want to – where do I go from here? The last thing I want is to gain the weight back again and I know that bread and pasta have got to go for ever or I will gain again. I don’t drink alcohol at all, don’t smoke, exercise regularly, sleep well, etc etc but gain weight at the blink of an eye… (46yrs, 173cms, 68kgs and in better shape than ever before)

    1. damian

      HI there Trish! well done! that is a great result. Your fatigue towards the end is a sign that you have very little stored easily available fuel left on your body. GREAT STUFF. some bread is good, some rice is great and perhaps even appropriate cereals like WBC. Have you looked at joining the FREE health club to stay in the loop? There is the opportunity to get access there to the Palm Method DVD, this explains carbohydrate, protein and fat combining etc. We have a retreat coming up too where we teach you more about all of that and more. check out the website and click on HEALTH RETREAT. once again. WELL DONE!

      1. Trish

        Hi Damian and thank you so much for your reponse. It’s such a great thing to know that we can ask questions and get real answers. I will keep in the loop although I have trouble getting to the computer for anything other work lately but I’ll make the effort. I would really love to get some long term meal ideas or meal plans because I’m really worried about gaining – It’s funny that you say I must have little easily accessible fuel left – if you saw the tops of my legs you may wonder why THAT’s not being called upon… In any case, I’m not looking for a quick fix – I have completely invested in a long term health optimisation attitude so as long as I’m doing the right thing for my body I don’t care how long it takes to be in the best (but healthiest) shape I can be. It’s my personal challenge to me!
        I try to steer clear of bread because of the puffy eye problem of allergies to wheat and gluten so I’ll probably start sprinkling a little brown rice through my salads at lunch. Anyway I am sure I’ll find more info once I connect to the right places – at the moment I’m not sure where to go to find more out. I’ve also thought about the 112 day challenge. Is that for me?
        By the way, I’m in Dubai (and are HUGE fans of Downsize Me) and getting my hands on WBC is impossible. I was in Oz in August and came back with 20 packets of it which my kids just love but one day there will be none left! dilema!!! They will end up costing me $2000 simply because I have to fly to buy them!! can we get an importer over here???? pleeease??
        thanks for everything

        1. damian

          hi there Trish,

          sorry to take so long to reply to you. i laughed when you said you took 20 packets to Dubai! thats classic! you can buy it online and we can send it to you.

          the 112 Day Challenge sounds great for you – we have a few people in Dubai doing it at the moment. its a great program.

          Thanks for the feedback πŸ™‚

  4. Jane Baguley

    YAY : ) – Day 22 results:
    lost 5kg
    9CM from waist!
    and 4cm from thigh.
    it just makes me want to go for another walk.
    Thanks for this awesome programme Damian and Phyllis

  5. Ave

    Hi Guys,

    Im just about to start the 21 Day challenge (just waiting on some products from Metagenics to arrive). But have a quick query – in two wks – my mother-in-law is very kindly taking my 2 preschoolers and 5 yr old for the night so I can celebrate my birthday. We aren’t boozing up, but were thinking of going out for a nice meal, child-free!! Any suggestions food-wise? I don’t want to delay starting the challenge – but also don’t want to jeopardise my success either!

    PS. there isn’t an actual food plan to follow is there? Just eating the correct foods as per the challenge info? thanks :o)

    1. damian

      HI there Ave,

      hows your 21 days going?

      why not go out for fish or when you are out order a steak. there are so many beautiful restaurants around that serve awesome food.

  6. Jo Bridge

    Hi Damian, I’m just about to give the 21 days a whirl and have a few questions, I’m not a fan of fish, could I replace with eye fillet,chicken, lamb straps or pork loin? Also just to be difficult I don’t think I can eat all those eggs, can you do the fruit option with yoghurt and LSA and have two days on the eggs, instead of five days of eggs.

    1. damian

      Hi there Jo πŸ™‚ yeah your suggestions are totally fine. It sounds like you have A type blood and in that case you might struggle with all of those eggs. The only suggestion is to not have the pork on your fork, have chicken, lamb, kangaroo, etc as these are better meats.

  7. Deborah Eastham

    Hi there,
    doing good so far, only 2 days to go, then I have done my first week. I made it through my daughters 3rd birthday & Dad’s 70th (preparing lots of food!)When I feel a bit down about it, I just grab my tummy & say “this is why you’re doing it!”.Can’t believe how my apetite has halved! I am enjoying following the suggested weekly plan- much easier than trying to figure it out. My question is-Do I carry on doing that for the next two weeks, or is there a different plan out there?

    1. damian

      Hi there Ricky, do you mean is there a different meal plan for each 3 weeks? The only meal plans that are available for this program are included on the site. Further meal plans are available on the 112 Day Challenge if you are needing more support. for the 21 days if you keep the food really simple you will continue to SMASH it πŸ™‚

  8. Jeana O'Donnell


    I am training for a half marathon that will be in April. Will I be eating enough carbs to continue my training? I am running about 20-25 miles a week at the moment. Also, after this how do you keep the changes for life? I thought I had 10 kgs to lose but I actually only have 6 but I have had a lifetime issue with Thrush and know that this diet will help to resolve the issue. However, I want a way of eating that I can do for life. Unfortunately, I cannot afford to do the 112 days challenge or I would jump at the chance just from a health perspective. another thing is that I already take Magnesium oxide should I have the colon cleanse as well? Thanks so much, Jeana

    1. damian

      hi there Jeana – the colon cleanse is a magnesium oxide supplement powder – if you are already taking one – you shouldn’t need to take this one… having said that Magnesium Oxide shouldn’t be taken long term on a daily basis. Magnesium Diglycinate is the only form that you could take long term safely.

  9. Jeana O'Donnell

    I am starting day one on Monday after christmas. Getting everything prepared to start right and stay on track. Thanks again, Jeana

  10. Tammy Watene

    Day 2 finished and Im not sure if Im doing it 100% right as I dont quite have all the right foodstuffs and a bit nervous to improvise at this early stage. Felt a big headache coming on all day, and in reading other posts this seems normal. Im really looking forward to seeing out the challenge and excited to see what I can achieve.

      1. Tammy Watene

        Well its day 11 and I have lost 4.6kgs which Im really pleased with. I am a little sick of snow peas, mung beans. Im making smoothies out of yoghurt, fruit and nus, which I really love.
        Am looking forward to the next 10 days!

  11. susie1

    Hi Guys,
    Starting the diet tomorrow. Will try and stick to the pre plan diet for the first week. Lossing weight is so important to me, as I start IVF in a months time and need to loss 7-8kgs first (personal goal). I noticed the dinners do show some carbs, I’m not sure how much carbs we are allow? I didn’t see them on the list. Could you just clarify if we are actually allowed carbs for dinner (small jacket pototoes)?

    Thanks Susan

    1. phyllis

      HI there Susan. Fruits, veggies and salads are indeed carbohydrates. they just are very low in starch – hence the reason why the only carbs listed on this plan are the carbs that are low starch… if you want to lose enough weight for the IVF… follow the plan strictly πŸ™‚

  12. Emma Piggot

    Hi there
    Can I use protein powder in this plan? How much would I use, the one I have is very low fat and low cars and has about 80% protein. Also I have an over abundance of limes, can i substitute for lemons?

    1. damian

      Hey Emma,

      great question – you could make a smoothie with the protein powder for sure, but it needs to be 90-100% pure WPI protein to be most effective. My experience with protein powders is that 80% protein blends have sweetners like sucralose, aspartame (951), acesulfame potassium (k) or other (stevia fine) that may not be that good for your health and also they are often made with whey protein concentrate (WPC), not weigh protein isolate (WPI). WPI is by far the better option.

      its better if you eat real food πŸ™‚ unless your powder is AWESOME!


  13. Sandra Walker

    Going to start next week (after birthday celbrations etc)on the 21 day challenge … but questions

    – The frittata recipe has cream but its nots on the food list!

    – And the strawberries and yoghurt when you wake – is this as well as having breakfast?

    – After reading posts etc, I dont see sweet potatoe on my list of foods… but it is on the planner. Is it not supposed to be on full stop?

    Thanks. Just need to prepare myself properly!

    1. damian

      HI there Sandra,

      thank you. the recipes work with in the program – definitely. so please feel free to have any foods in the recipes and meal planner. the strawberry and yoghurt when you wake is to break fast – it is not a full meal – just a strawberry and a bit of yoghurt before you exercise – if you exercise. other wise it is just your breaky πŸ™‚


  14. Aimee

    Hi There, I am thinkingf about doing the challenge – Just missed out on the grab one deal grrrr.
    Just wondering if alcohol is a big no no during the 21 days?

    I have 3 weddings coming up – am I best to wait until after that as I would want to have a couple of wines?

    1. damian

      Hey Aimee,

      the reason it is called “21 days to change” is to dedicate 21 days to changing destructive habits or at least habits that are causing you to make poorer choices. we do advise that alcohol is not to be consumed in the 21 days as it is a significant contributor to calories and re toxification.



  15. Annette Jeffery

    Hi there Damian and Phyllis.

    This is day five of the 21 day challenge and I just wanted to share the fact I’ve already lost 2.6kg. My clothes feel better around the waist and I definitely feel a bit brighter.

    I never thought I’d be able to live without bread! Proudest accomplishment to-date … surviving dinner out for a mate’s 40th. Ordered a grilled chicken salad, avoided the starters and said no to the birthday brownie and booze. Drank soda water with a couple of slices of lemon and still had a great time. I focused on the company rather than the food.

    Thanks for the great programme, it’s the kick up the bum I needed. I’d given up watching what I ate. Am now back in the driving seat and I think that’s very empowering in it’s self.


    1. damian

      Thats AWESOME!

      thank you so much Annette!

      please share with us how you finish πŸ™‚


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